No matter your party, or the candidates you choose to support, please make sure that you and your family members are registered to vote. Why is it so important to register to vote? Because you cannot exercise your civic rights or even sign a simple petition, if you aren’t a registered voter. Your brothers, sisters, and community need to make sure you are registered to vote. On the local level and on the national level, we need more friends who support the rights of union members, friends who will stand firmly against those who are working to defeat us. We need representatives in Washington, D.C. who support us consistently, by supporting project labor agreements, voting to invest in our nation’s infrastructure, and advocation for policy that creates and protects our jobs while ensuring safety for all workers. We encourage everyone to support the roster of Labor endorsed candidates to vote on Tuesday, November 3rd . They are the ones who support us. Early Voting start on 10/16/2020 through 10/27/2020 (Except Sunday)